Imagine a life where you find relief from chronic stiffness and body pain; where you start learning to put your well-being first, deliberately making time in your day to properly take care of your mind & body.
How would it feel to get constant nourishment for your whole being, healing from the inside out? Where you find a healthy & effective way to manage your stress & anxiety.
A place to find the physical and mental strength within to achieve all the things you want to achieve while feeling empowered and loved by our Heavenly Father.
I was always drawn to yoga for its stretching, strength-building, and simple poses. The first time I was invited to a Christ-centered yoga class, I was captivated by the whole experience. It was like being in church, only I was “exercising” on a yoga mat.
I continued to attend these classes and loved the feeling of coming closer to God and Christ by intentionally taking these messages in and listening carefully for thoughts and feelings that came to me! I felt the Spirit, I received answers to prayers, and I came to really crave and look forward to my time spent communing with God on my mat... When I went back to the other classes (including the ones I was teaching) it just wasn’t the same. It felt like sanitized yoga. I craved the feel-good, Christ-centered yoga that involved all of my senses, not just going through the motions that were good for my body.
This is when I decided to get certified as a yoga teacher specializing in Christ-centered yoga.
I want to share the same sense of restoration and spiritual connection that I have experienced with you.
My purpose is to provide emotional and physical healing to LDS women worldwide by teaching Christ-centered yoga as a tool for self-healing.
Have a look around to see what looks interesting to you and don't forget to grab your free yoga journal before you leave.